Thursday, April 16, 2020

Sample Essay - Should the White People Get More Food Stamps?

Sample Essay - Should the White People Get More Food Stamps?There is a recent debate in the country about whether the government should subsidize companies that hire non-whites, so that the low income white people receive more food stamps. This is something that is getting all the attention lately. The debate is over and has even been covered by the Fox News and other media outlets.The argument for the government to subsidize companies who hire people from the lower middle income group is that since people from this group tend to be lower earners, it would help them as they try to get jobs. It is a very good argument. When the government subsidizes your product or service, you are getting the best return on your investment.But the other side of the debate argues that since the white people get more money from the government, then that money is not going towards the poor people, therefore, they do not really need the money, since they are getting it anyway. The problem with this argum ent is that if the government subsidized something, it would lower the price of the product, and therefore, make it more affordable for the less fortunate people to buy. In other words, if the government subsidized, the white people get more food stamps, then, why not lower the price?Some people in the business community want food stamps, and they know that this will drive down the price of the product, so they complain that the subsidy is stealing money from them. They also say that they are not giving the needy a free lunch, they are just helping them buy more food. However, this would be completely counter to the purpose of the food stamp program.But there is a clear distinction between free food stamps and free meals. Government-sponsored programs that offer free lunches do not exist; but, in the case of food stamps, it is completely different. If theyare giving away free food, then you can have food on a plate, or free soup and bread, but, if they are subsidizing it, then you c annot do that.So, it makes sense to them that the government should provide free meals for the less fortunate whites, and therefore, the quality of the food should be better, and the price should be lower. It would be just like subsidizing your product, so that the price does not go up.I guess this is the issue. Government-sponsored food stamps are just more of a convenience for the less fortunate whites, who are on public assistance. The best thing for them to do would be to improve their life, rather than eat away at the taxpayers money.And, if you look at the statistics, it is no secret that the whites who are lower earners are more likely to be on public assistance than the whites that are higher earners. So, the more important argument is actually against the argument for subsidized white people getting food stamps.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

In Everyones Life There Will Be Peaks And Valleys. What Happens When

In everyone's life there will be peaks and valleys. What happens when a boy peaks before he has even had the chance to be a man? Can he be content to live in his remembrances of the past even though he seemingly has no future? John Updike's poem, Ex-Basketball Player, suggests that whether happy or not, both the man and the town he lives in need those remembrances. They need them so much, in fact, that the man and town become dependant on each other for reaffirmation of the past. The poem is built around the character Flick Webb, who was a highschool basketball star, but is now confined to the monotony of pumping gas the small town where he was born and raised. Updike does not take an obvious "good or bad" stance on Flick's situation, but rather uses imagery to portray a dark, dingy world of the present and contrast it with the bright, shining glory of Flick's past. The imagery is evident in the first two lines of the poem, where Pearl Avenue "bends with the trolley tracks and stops, cut off." (2) Already we see that Flick's future has been cut short, like the very road that leads to Berth's Garage, where he pumps gas. In fact, the train even passes by the very high school Flick attended. Like Flick, though the train passes the high school, it does not go far beyond. The words "cut off" are the key to understanding Flick's situation. Abruptly, his course was changed. Without warning, his stardom was exchanged for mediocrity. A highschool basketball star's glory days were cut off by the striking reality that he, as the poem suggests, "never learned a trade." (19) In the poem's next stanza, it becomes obvious that Flick is out of place amongst the "idiot pumps" (7) with their "rubber elbows hanging loose and low." (9) The imagery suggests that these inanimate objects are as close as Flick comes to any sort of real contact with others, as is further suggested by the last stanza of the poem, in which he ignores Mae to stare of into "applauding tiers of Necco Wafers, Nibs, and JuJu Beads." (30) The reference to one of the pumps as "more of a football type" (12) also points to the fact that Flick views the world through sports analogies and his past. The fact that there are five pumps, like five men on a basketball court for each team, also suggests that Flick still views life in terms of basketball. These facts affirm the notion that Flick did not concentrate on anything other than basketball throughout his formative years. Not relationships with others, not academics, not a fallback plan. Just basketball. The term "idiot" used to describe the pumps (7) also separates Flick from the other basketball players he used to play with and against. Just as he is out of place amongst the pumps, his talent put him out of place amongst his peers. In fact, though he was revered and lauded, Flick was never really a part of the town. His presence was merely ornamental, and continues to be. The theme that Flick is not necessarily unhappy, but out of place, continues throughout the poem. As we are told that "the ball loved Flick" (16) and "he was the best," (14) we see that it is not just Flick who looks upon his past with a sort of admiration and pride. It is the entire city. He is, in fact, the local hero. The boy who didn't exactly make it big, but he made it big enough that he's remembered. Perhaps the town longs for that hero the same way Flick does. But it is not longing for Flick, specifically. What the town, as represented by the narrator, wants is another hero. Until one comes along, they will live vicariously through Flick's past. "As a gag, he dribbles an inner tube, but most of us remember anyway," (21-22) the narrator muses. It's as though Flick wants to remind the town of his past, but he has no need, for they cling to it just as he does. He does not see people, he sees spectators. He does not see gas pumps, he sees opponents, team

Friday, April 3, 2020

Overcome Social Problem Among Youth free essay sample

Malaysia is categorized as third world country and has received rapid growth in socioeconomic and advance technologies. The globalization makes the world become smaller and all the information could be obtained easily by clicking on the computers. World without any barrier allows cultures from other countries influence the Malaysian especially the youths. There are good and bad cultures. The social problems emerged due to bad cultures from other countries. Cultures which we do not feed into our own cultural and religious values. Most young generations cannot identify and analyse what are the good and bad things. It could be eliminate the moral values in each young generation. The social evils that are plaguing our society today could hardly be catalogued, they are uncountable in the true sense of the assertion. Among the prominent social problems are the escalating crime waves, religious intolerance, disrespect for elders, laziness and lateness of duty, widespread of diseases, ostentatious spending, abortion, pre-marital pregnancy, elope (run off secretly to be married and usually without the consent or knowledge of one’s parent), disciplinary problem, psychological problem, slow down development of the country, and alcohol consumption. We will write a custom essay sample on Overcome Social Problem Among Youth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These are the effects of our social problem among Malaysian youth. First of all we will discuss the escalating crime waves among our Malaysian youth. These days our Malaysian youth are involve in many crime whether its small or big. One of the most common among our youth are drug abuse. Its sad to see the future of our country the be involve with this kinds of social problems, at a very young age they are throwing their lives and future away. We the society used to think that drug abuser are only among uneducated society and parents. This statements has change among the years as the children from educated and high society parents are one of the biggest drug abuser. These are the Malaysian youth with the free flow of money to buy all sorts of drug such as marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine and many more. This statement does not mean that the youth from the low income society are not involved. This are the youth that will cause many more crime due to their addiction to drugs. The drug abuser that come from this society does not have the free flow of money as the high society youth have to they will result to other ways. Ways such as being a snatch thief, house robber, stealing cars and motorcycle. Some of them will go as far to killing people to get what they want. Social ills among youths that occurred this period now. Accordingly, various measures should be highlighted to overcome social ills among youths. First is the role of parents. Parents should monitor and protect their children. In modern times, many parents busy with their career and leave their children without any independent oversight. Hence, monitoring of the parents is important to avoid social problems among youths. Thus, the role of communities in addressing social ills. Society plays an important role in addressing social problems. Community should not remain silent when you see something social ills that happen. It should have taken appropriate action. Happy and harmonious family is also very important to address the problem among youths. As example is eating together or watching television with family members. Having quality time with family members will be able to strengthen ties between families. Some other way to solve this problems that occur among youths, youths need to be selective in selecting friends. By this way the youths need to have good friend to avoid them trapped in social problems. Youths can preferred partners who will help them that can give great advice regarding social ill such as smoking, drug abuse, dumping baby and others. Most of the times in a day youths spend more time with their friends rather than their own families. This could give a great impact in their personality and style of thinking. Other than that, after school programs could overcome the social problem among youths. Programs that could attract the interest of the youths can prevent them from spending their time loitering around shopping complex, cyber cafe, and others places. Time they spend to carry out these activities cause them to be more disciplined. More extra co-curiculum activities should be held by the school, so that the teenagers and children will use their free-time for much more useful activities. Thus, they would not have time to be waste and doing useless activities which will leads them to involved in social problems. As most of the activities conduct for extra co-curriculum giving great moral values and have great point of views in life. Youths can learn and share of ideas with their friends. Mass media is one mechanism that has a great influence and effective in the formation of human personality. It is a socialization agent and plays an important role in growing and promoting practices morally in society. Mass media can shape the hearts manner, mentality and personality especially people who operate 24 hours. Mass media should be free from ideology grip secularism, the extreme commercial culture, ideology and material inducement to live in luxury. Mass media must have a basic philosophy and policies in line with the communication moral values of Islam. Officials should increase the mass media sense of accountability, responsibility and their obligation to enforce impartial and noble values such as truth, honesty and so forth. Consumer mass media, especially those who are responsible as parents, teachers, political leaders and administrators should be more wise in the lead, guide, improve rationality, maturity and alertness and ability to choose to broadcast a more useful waching by children or those who are under their care. Mass media can also actually be a vehicle through various channels such as information technology, advanced Internet, multimedia and so on. Last but not least and one of the main thing that can overcome this problem is the function of Religion. If a person obey the commands and needs of their religion they will not necessarily have been running into problems. Religion teaches every single of their people to be a good persons and be great person by obeying His orders and teach moral values to be a kind person and how to live their life. Therefore, loyal order of god can guide mankind to follow the truth, and not to go the wrong way. In other words, a good selection will help prevent social problems in the youths themselves. As a conclusion, social problems can only be solved not just by the person itself its also need the role of others in order to ensure youths to overcome the social problem. Every single component of the family, organization, friends and others that evolves should play their part in educating youths to live a great life ahead avoiding the social problem.